Handmaiden of the Force:


By Beth Kenobi


A/n: This contains spoilers for The JA series I have only read 2 but I know about the time he left for the girl that one time.  I do not know her name so I made one up* as well as The Phantom Menace.  This story is rated a strong PG-13 and may be upgraded.  All Characters except Lionasha, Natasha and any others I cannot think of belong to someone else, most likely George Lucas and his talented thinking team.  Yo no tango dinero! I am not making any of these either, so Please do not sue.



The girl pulled her coat closer to her chest as she stood at the dark street corner.  The air was chilly, making the frigid day colder then it already was.  Leaves blew in the wind around the streets from the trees that had lost all the life they once held.  The place had lost all signs of hope it may have had.

Crossing the street both ways were a mix people, some were executives out for a good time at the local brothel, other were the women who worked there.  Then there were others who sold the drugs that fueled the life of this place.  The drug lords ran everything in this small corner.  No one had any say.  If you dare oppose them, you were instantly shot down and killed.  The death rate was a least one body found dead in an ally per day.  Mostly it was the men that were killed.  The women, even the young girls, were taken into their harem and forced to make love to the men.  They personified evil to the young women.  Unfortunately for her, this was home.

She was quite attractive, which was not lost on the lords.  Somehow, she had always managed to keep away from being another one of their victims.  Her long blonde hair was unusual, it was the only legacy she had from her mother.  Her blue eyes showed the pain and sorrow she had been faced with in her relatively short life.  Her face and body were thin and she was tall.  She looked out of place in the filth of the under city streets, many whispered that she was an angel sent to this hell because of her mother's transgressions.

Her mother had been a beauty as well, before disease took her.  She looked a lot like her daughter, only with brown eyes and she was shorter.  She was strong in personality mostly out of need then inbred traits.

Her name was Lionasha.  She was the gem of the Relé house, the local brothel house.  The men who came worshiped her.  It was said that if you got to be with her, you were special because she didn't take many into her room.  Only those who could pay high amounts or those she offered special favors too were selected.  The brothel keeper had been protective of his shining gem.

Then one day two Jedi Knights came to investigate a murder of an influential man in the local streets by acting like ordinary men coming for a good time.  The one had been tall dark-skinned man with no hair upon his head.  He had a look of calm and serenity about him.  The other was a maverick.  He was tall, with long brown hair and blue eyes.  He also had the look of calm but Lionasha had always told her daughter that he could never put a mask of serenity on when he was not serene.

He had easily captured Lionasha's attention and she immediately went to him.  She knew many secrets that lovers had screamed out to her in wild passion as she made them enjoy themselves, though she never did.

The two talked so long that the manager had started to get suspicious.  Lionasha had taken the tall Jedi knight up to her bedroom.  He had repaid her that night with the one time she had truly felt the passion two lovers could have.  She fell in love with him that night.

 The Jedi returned every so often in the coming years, most times just to talk to her about information.  Men stopped coming to her when they heard he was in town, knowing when he was, she was only for him.  It had been the last night they had together that their daughter had been conceived.  The last time she would ever see his face.  The Jedi had forbidden him to return to the town more so out of danger then out of the fact that he had fallen for the young temptress.

Lionasha had named their daughter Natasha, an ancient name from her home planet of Dormé.  Every day she had looked upon her daughter remembering the girl’s father.  The younger girl had her father's spirit and that was what kept her alive during the awful years she was sick.

She had died when Natasha had been 7 years old.  From then on, she was looked down upon as the bastard child of the Jedi.  Often the curses and abuse she received from those around her, particularly the brothel manager, often had her crying in her sleep at night, dreaming of the day when her father would come and save her.  That day had never come.

When the girl had reached 10, she had run to the upper levels of the city to the Jedi temple and learned some of the basic uses of the Force from a kind elderly master who took her in as his special cause.  His name was Yoda.

Yoda had taught her many things about the Jedi.  She had learned so quickly in fact that by the time she was 16 she was ready for her trials.  Yoda and two other council members sat in attendance, Adi Gallia and Mace Windu, the Jedi who had accompanied her father that first fateful trip.  They had all approved her knight status, although they could never allow her to stay at the temple because she had not been there since birth.  All sensed her potential.  More then anything, all sensed her deep involvement in the force.  She was destined for something greater then the normal knighthood.  Yoda was the first to recognize her in the light of the Chosen One Prophecies.  The one who was destined to bring to light the chosen one with her love for him.

Before she had returned home that day, she had passed by the training courtyards and stopped to watch a young Knight and his new padawan fight a light saber duel.  It was clear the two had only worked with each other for a year.  Both noticed her standing there and turned to face her.  The young padawan was cute, but it was his master that caught her eye.  For a second no one moved.  They just gazed into each other’s eyes.  Her sky-blue into his blue-green.  His padawan pulled on his tunic, and he tore his gaze from her.  She ran down the halls and into the speeder awaiting her.

That face had haunted her for the next five years.  It haunted in her in her dreams causing her to wake up feverish and frustrated.  There was also a dream of her parents.  They would be standing beside each other lovingly looking down as she held a small child in her arms.  The second one calmed her, but the first always came again to unravel her.

Now, five years later the same Jedi stood at the opposite corner talking to a man.  The man pointed in her direction and the Jedi and his now teenage padawan looked.  Gazes locked again and time stopped as they crossed to her.

"Miss Natasha Lormé?


"I'm Jedi Knight Obi-wan Kenobi.  We need to talk to you about your mother."



Destiny shall take a hand and cause the chosen one to fall for another.  The other will be the soul mate and shall help bring down the darkness with the chosen one.  Hidden the chosen will be.  Do not assume her first love is he or that it isn't.  Their love shall not be denied.

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