The Jedi's Beloved

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This is part of a series. This is the first story in the Emperor's Daughter Series about Kali Palpatine-Jinn. She is the main character of this story was well as Obi-wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. Padme Naberrie-Amidala will also be one of the main characters. It is Obi/Kali and Anakin/Padme

Dedicated to my sw friends who are the unfortunate beings who have to read this while I am working on it.

NOTE:  This story is up to chapter 4 on and will be updated on this  page later on.

Author’s Notes:

Kida means Angel in the ancient tongue of the Arcadians. It is Obi-wan’s nickname for her and later becomes her persona when she has to hide to not end up part of the Jedi Purge and becomes Kida Jade.

Kaleli is a sith. She is not an apprentice or a master, but rather her own order. Her main objective is to kill her sister or cause her the utmost pain and get Obi Wan who she is in love with. Palpatine used the force to make his daughters mentally mature faster so he could use them as his pawns. He cares very little for them and can’t stand Kali, as she is on the light side.

Kali and Kaleli are the force sisters mentioned in the Chronicle Prophecy on Degabah when the order was created. Neither knows of it. Palpatine made them each a necklace that would absorb their force and make it hard to count midi-chorians hoping to defy the prophecy. He believes the sith will win over the Jedi but that can only be seen after the force sisters fight. Who ever wins, the bearer of good or the bearer of evil, which is who the balance will be brought.

A life bond is a bond in the force that joins two people and cannot be broken. The two people in the bond must be connected physically, mentally, or emotionally, at some point in order to feel full. When two are apart for long, they can begin to feel as if they are only half a soul. Basically, those with a Life bond are soul mates. Usually this bond is between a female and a male, but two of either gender can have one, though it will not be as strong a bond.

This is AU. Many of you will notice Owen is Obi-wan’s brother in ROTJ but not in AOTC. In AOTC, he is Anakin’s stepbrother. In my story, both will hold true. If anything confuses you about this story against the traditional plotline of the movies, please email me and I’ll explain it if I can.



Chapter  1

Chapter  2

Chapter  3

Rating: PG-13


All characters excluding the Palpatine sisters, Kea Jinn-Palpatine, Master Duo, and a few others, belong to George Lucas. I am not making any profit from this nor plan on doing so. This is just for fun and to show my fan-Dom of Star Wars. No harm was meant during the writing of this story.